Last chance to register for our informal field walk on 8 July 9.30am to 11.30am at Finley.
Join us to view our latest field trials which will evaluate early sowing cereal options in order to validate the effectiveness of slow spring types.
- An informal field walk to discuss the latest field trials for this GRDC investment.
- Chat about the key building blocks to achieving higher yields with early planting of long season cereals (both winter and in season spring type wheat and barley cultivars).
- Discuss and hear first-hand from growers what is and what isn’t working on farm.
Joining us will be the following project researchers.
Nick Poole, Ben Morris, Tom Price and Rebecca Murray (FAR Australia)
Barry Haskins, Rachael Whitworth and the team Ag Grow Agronomy and Research
Click on the READ MORE tab below to register your attendance.