Field day to showcase high-yielding cereals research
A field research site dedicated to supporting mainland high rainfall zone growers in their efforts to achieve higher yields of wheat and barley through genetic improvement and management will be showcased later this month.
The 2019 South Australian Crop Technology Centre field day near Millicent in the South-East on October 24 will also feature several industry experts discussing a range of relevant topics.
The SA Crop Technology Centre is a Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and Landmark co-investment, with the research being led by FAR Australia in collaboration with the SA Research and Development Institute (the research division of Primary Industries and Regions SA) and Mackillop Farm Management Group.
GRDC Grower Relations Manager – South, Randall Wilksch, says the research site was established to identify high-yielding, long-season germplasm from Australia and overseas that has the potential to push yields in the high rainfall zone.
“The project is also focused on the role of agronomy and new technologies in assisting growers to boost production and profitability,” says Mr Wilksch, who will be opening the field day.
“The research site is the first and only one of its kind on the mainland and is an extension of the GRDC’s Hyper Yielding Cereals project in Tasmania where results from trials of high-yielding feed grain germplasm have been very encouraging.”
Speakers and their topics at the field day include:
- Marie Marion of FluroSat and James Heffernan from Landmark – can we visualise the differences in soil fertility with remote sensing?
- Kenton Porker of SARDI – how do we achieve high protein barley?
- Nick Poole of FAR Australia – improving management strategies for maximising yields
- Chris Preston of the University of Adelaide – integrated weed management
- Kat Fuhrmann of FAR Australia – is ramularia an unseen limitation to yields in the HRZ?
The field day on Banya Road, north west of Millicent, will be from 1 – 4.30pm and will be followed by a barbecue.
Details are available via the GRDC website at More information is also available by phoning event co-ordinator Rachel Lowther on 0420 503603 or emailing