Industry Innovations 2025

Cultivating sustainable solutions to increase broadacre productivity through research, extension, training and adoption.

Industry Innovations (II) 2025 – what is it and how can industry get involved?
Over the next 5 years, FAR Australia is joining forces with industry to provide innovative research solutions which will create a more productive and sustainable future for the Australian grains industry. With Crop Technology Centres (CTCs) operating nationally across the more productive growing regions of Australia, FAR Australia has a strong platform to showcase your innovation(s). Whether you have new crops, cultivars, agrichemicals, fertilisers or Ag technologies, we would like to work with you.

For full details and to download a brochure, please click here.

As part of Industry Innovations (II) 2025, we invite you to be involved in our Fungicide Fingerprinting and/or Germplasm Evaluation networks.

Fungicide Fingerprinting, developed by FAR Australia, launched in 2021 and is the first coordinated and independent fungicide evaluation network in Australia. This initiative aims to generate an independent evaluation of existing and newly developed fungicides to help growers and advisers make better
decisions when managing disease and fungicide use. For full details and to download a brochure, please click here.

Germplasm Evaluation Network, launched in 2022, FAR Australia will work with breeders to help bring new germplasm to the marketplace whilst ensuring that genetics fulfil their yield potential. FAR Australia is partnering with industry to independently showcase germplasm performance in a series of high productivity evaluation trials across the country, initially as two disease management scenarios. For full details and to download a brochure, please click here.